About FIVE Holdings

Five Holdings is a leading real estate development company. With an impressive global presence in many countries, the company operates in various specialty areas of the real estate market, including hospitality, development, refurbishment and investment. In order to create some of the most beautiful and popular items for  exclusive neighborhoods in different cities, we work together with a group of well-known professionals and specialists from other places.

The company is focused on developing a revolutionary cycle of utilizing diverse resources and manpower. They have carried out major projects in the best locations in Dubai, including the Palm Jumeirah.With a large international presence in several countries, Five Holdings distinguishes itself as a leading real estate developer. The Company specializes in a variety of real estate specialties including hospitality, development, remodeling and investment. As a group, renowned experts from different fields work together to create some of the grandest and most famous objects for  affluent neighborhoods in different cities.

Five Holdings is committed to the development of society, the engine of the company. To this end, the company participates in various fundraisers and organizations.

Five Luxe Apartments at JBR
AED 3.6M
Sensoria at Five Luxe JBR
AED 13,500,000
Five Jumeirah Village
AED 777,000
Five Luxe at JBR

Five Luxe at JBR

  • FIVE Holdings
AED 3.6M